Passion cont’d…

Slowly, the hum of voices and slamming locker doors

began to diminish.


While I appreciated the silence,

I realized that if I didn’t quicken my pace,

I would be the last one out the door

and have all eyes on me

as I walked alone into practice.


With a deep breath and new resolve

I quickly threw on my clothes, laced up my new shoes

and pulled my hair back into a ponytail

as I tried to catch up with the last group of girls

walking out of the room.


As we made our way over to the team,

I realized that we were already running late

and roll call had begun.

“Jenny Coffman? Jenny?”

“Does anyone know Jenny or if she still plans to join?”

I saw heads start to turn to search the crowd of girls

and my heart dropped into my stomach.

I already knew I didn’t belong out here

and now

I was drawing attention to myself

even before practice had begun.

I picked up my pace and tried to answer

“here” to signal my entry

but all that escaped was an almost inaudible whisper.


Realizing that my voice wasn’t heard over the chattering of students,

I waved my arm to signal to the coach that I was indeed present

and ready to join the team,

but instead of checking off my name

and moving along with attendance,

My presence was acknowledged with a stern admonition;

signaling out myself and the five other girls I had

walked up with.


“You six. See me after warmups”

Words that made all of the teenage chatter halt

and turn every pair of eyes on our small group

as if we had just entered the room without wearing any clothing.

As my face began to burn

and I diverted my eyes to the ground,

someone bravely spoke up,


and answered with a simple

“yes sir”

to which we all accepted and nodded in solidarity.


*To be continued







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